Edició 2183

Els Països Catalans al teu abast

Dimecres, 17 de juliol del 2024
Edició 2183

Els Països Catalans al teu abast

Dimecres, 17 de juliol del 2024

[REPORTATGE] La Covid_19 i el turisme a les nostres costes


- Publicitat -

Reportatge i fotos: @adrisalidozarco _adrisalido «Sobre la situació a Catalunya, que mostra indicadors sanitaris degradats, recomanem vivament als ciutadans francesos evitar viatjar mentre la situació sanitària no millori en aquest territori». Aquestes van ser les paraules que el primer ministre francès Jean Castex, va pronunciar a l’aeroport Charles de Gaulle en una roda de premsa, en la que va presentar les principals mesures sanitàries per evitar els rebrots de l’epidèmia a França.

July 27, 2020; Roses,- Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. This is a portrait of Pim, one of the owners of a camping in Roses.

Tan bon punt es van pronunciar aquestes declaracions, els empresaris hostalers de la Costa Brava es van posar les mans al cap, doncs sabien que, amb aproximadament un 50% de turisme francès a la zona, la seva temporada d’estiu podia ser un desgavell.

I es que el col·lectiu francès és el primer mercat en turistes a Catalunya. L’any passat més de 4 milions de francesos van visitar Catalunya i van generar una despesa de 2.446 milions d’euros, més de la meitat durant els mesos d’estiu.

July 27, 2020; Roses,- Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. View of inside of Roses camping, where this summer holidays have just a 20 per cent of bookings.

Una de les localitats més afectades per aquesta situació és Roses, un dels destins turístics per excel·lència del turisme francès a la Costa Brava.

July 27, 2020; Roses- Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. View of inside of Roses camping, where this summer holidays have just a 20 per cent of bookings.

En Pim García, un dels socis del càmping Joncar Mar amb més de 25 anys operant a ple rendiment ens ho explica en aquesta entrevista.

July 27, 2020; Roses,- Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. View of inside of Roses camping, where this summer holidays have just a 20 per cent of bookings.

Com havia començat per vosaltres la temporada?

Som un càmping que estem oberts tot l’any. Des de gener fins a principi de “l´Estat d´Alarma” teníem més gent que el darrer any. Estàvem molt esperançats per aquest inici d´any, quan va explotar la pandèmia de la Covid-19

July 27, 2020; Roses,- Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. The beach of Roses is not crowded like other summers.

Quines mesures sanitàries havíeu implantat al càmping? Heu fet una inversió econòmica en aquestes mesures?

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Vàrem implantar totes les mesures que ens va aconsellar l´Associació de Càmpings de Girona. Aquestes mesures han representat una inversió que era necessària per ésser un càmping “WE CARE”, tal com deia l´Associació.

July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Business of the city are really empty this summer.

Quina ha estat la vostra reacció després de conèixer les declaracions del primer ministre francès?

Decebedora. Les declaracions de Jean Castex i les reaccions del President Torra com les del Govern de Madrid han estat nul·les.

July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Business of the city are really empty this summer.

Com ha afectat això a les reserves que teníeu i als campistes francesos que ja estaven al càmping?

El client francès representa entre un 70 i un 80 % de tota la nostra clientela. Aquests últims dies han estat un degoteig d’anul·lacions de cara a l´agost i setembre (que sempre és un molt bon mes) i fins i tot octubre.

July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Business of the city are really empty this summer.

Alguns dels pocs clients que teníem, inclosos no francesos, van optar per escurçar les seves vacances per por a un tancament de fronteres.

July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Business of the city are really empty this summer.

Quina previsió teniu sobre el balanç final de la temporada?

 La previsió que tenim sobre el balanç final de temporada es nul. No esperem que, donat l’egoisme dels països europeus, les coses vagin a millor.

July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Business of the city are really empty this summer.

Segurament ens haurem d´hipotecar per finalitzar l’any i continuar el següent. L´altre solució, després de més de 25 temporades amb el càmping obert 365 dies a l´any serà tancar. Sona a tragèdia, però així estan les coses…

July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Business of the city are really empty this summer.
July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Business of the city are really empty this summer.
July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia.
July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia.
July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Many hotels and apartments are empty during this holidays.
July 27, 2020; Roses, – Since the last fiday when the France prime minister strongly advice about not to travel in Catalonia because of the Covid-19 risk, a lot of tourist left from Roses, one of the main french tourist destination in Catalonia. Many hotels and apartments are empty during this holidays.








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