[FOTOGALERIA] Un Sant Jordi de juliol a Barcelona July 23, 2020; Barcelona, - Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Redacció | Dijous, 23 de juliol de 2020 - Publicitat - July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona,- Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. July 23, 2020; Barcelona, – Due the cancellation of Sant Jordi on April 23, the Culture Ministry ih Catalonia decided to celebrate the Book and Rose Day on July 23. But just in some cities of the territory are celebrating this day because of the expansion of the Covid-19 virus again in Catalonia and the rest of Spain. Publicitat Arxivat a:Sant Jordi de juliol WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Follow @larepublicacat Opinió Foc Nou independentista o derrota dolorosa Joan Puig - ERC: Unitat i uniformitat Manuel Pérez Nespreira - FER UN COMENTARI Cancel·lar la resposta Comentar Introduïu el vostre comentari. Nom:* Introduïu el vostre nom aquí Correu electrònic:* Heu introduït una adreça de correu electrònic incorrecta! Introduïu la vostra adreça electrònica aquí Pàgina web: Deseu el meu nom, el meu correu electrònic i el lloc web en aquest navegador per a la propera vegada que ho faci. 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