[FOTOGALERIA] Arribada del primer vol a l’Aeroport de Girona July 1, 2020; Girona, - First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Redacció | Dimecres, 1 de juliol de 2020 - Publicitat - July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona,- First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. July 1, 2020; Girona, – First day that Girona-Costa Brava airport is available to flight. The first flight landed this morning from Eindovhen (Nederlands). This is a crowded airport during summer because of all the turists who come to spend holidays in Costa Brava. Publicitat Arxivat a:Aeroport de Girona WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Follow @larepublicacat Opinió Foc Nou independentista o derrota dolorosa Joan Puig - ERC: Unitat i uniformitat Manuel Pérez Nespreira - FER UN COMENTARI Cancel·lar la resposta Comentar Introduïu el vostre comentari. Nom:* Introduïu el vostre nom aquí Correu electrònic:* Heu introduït una adreça de correu electrònic incorrecta! Introduïu la vostra adreça electrònica aquí Pàgina web: Deseu el meu nom, el meu correu electrònic i el lloc web en aquest navegador per a la propera vegada que ho faci. Δ