[FOTOGALERIA] 1.200 treballadors de Nissan fan una ‘marxa fúnebre’ per Barcelona amb els ‘fèretres’ de dirigents de l’empresa i Anfac June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain - Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Redacció | Dimecres, 10 de juny de 2020 - Publicitat - June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. June 9, 2020; Barcelona, Spain – Hundred of unemployed workers of Nissan protested last night for a solution after the closing of the car industry in Barcelona. They protested doing a route in the center of the city and they finished in Plaça Catalunya burning three coffins with the names of some executives of the company. Publicitat Arxivat a:Nissan WhatsAppFacebookTwitterTelegramCopy URLEmail Follow @larepublicacat Opinió ERC: Unitat i uniformitat Manuel Pérez Nespreira - Cal preservar Foc Nou com a corrent interna per tornar a una ERC contundentment independentista Joan Puig - FER UN COMENTARI Cancel·lar la resposta Comentar Introduïu el vostre comentari. Nom:* Introduïu el vostre nom aquí Correu electrònic:* Heu introduït una adreça de correu electrònic incorrecta! Introduïu la vostra adreça electrònica aquí Pàgina web: Deseu el meu nom, el meu correu electrònic i el lloc web en aquest navegador per a la propera vegada que ho faci. Δ Minut a Minut Protecció Civil posa en alerta el litoral de l’Empordà i la Selva per la previsió de fort onatge 0 Reoberta la C-14 a Alcover després de quedar tallada per arbres caiguts a la carretera 0 Tallada totalment la C-14 a Alcover per arbres caiguts a la carretera 0 Junqueras justifica cessar el responsable la investigació dels cartells dels Maragall: “Ha sigut altament ineficient” 0 Una administració de Sant Boi distribueix 7,2 milions del segon premi amb el número que fa quatre dècades que compren 0